2006 Progress

I lost most of my old pics because I neglected my online albums subscription for too long, but I found enough to fill in the blanks I think   x_x

2 mths after BC
Shrinkage (5 inches)
I started Co-washing daily and noticed my hair turned from a hard dry brillo pad to my the texture I remembered it to be.


I was so happy I could finally make one of these (even if the hair-tie kept sliding off :P)
I wore extension braids twists and cornrows with the occasional full head weave thrown in most of the time.


First set of braids without syn. hair added. I used a home-made sock-donut to make the bun

Wrestled my hair in it's first pony. ( a lot of my strands still aren't ready for this obviously... look how fuzzy it is! lol)
Tried Shingling and HATED it! (Fantasia Ic + Denman brush)

(Flat Ironed + Trim
My Itty Bitty Pony!
Year 1 Down! 

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